Live Photos is an excellent feature of the iPhone to add motion to your picture. People have used the feature extensively since it was introduced in 2015 with the iPhone 6s. However, Live Photos would work only on iPhones. They turn to static images when you share them with your friends. That’s surely a big disappointment!

Fortunately, you can now convert Live Photo to video with the launch of iOS13. You can create small videos out of your Live Photos and retain sound and motion. Plus, you can share the videos anywhere you wish without restrictions.

Here’s how to convert your live photos into a video using just your iPhone. 

1. Open the Photos app and select your Live Photo

2. Press the “Share” button in the lower left hand corner

3. Scroll down to the option that says “Save as Video.”

4. Return to “Recents” or “Albums” in the Photos app, and scroll down to the most recent image.


Published On: June 14th, 2021 / Categories: Tips, Uncategorized /